Inondations : plus de 200 000 personnes affectées par les inondations

Selon des informations rendues publiques au 20 septembre par le Ministère de l’Action Humanitaire et par la Direction de la Protection civile, 211 366 personnes ont été affectées par les inondations au Niger. Les inondations ont en effet entraîné l’effondrement de 16 375 maisons et causé la mort de 57 personnes. Trois régions comptent à elles seules 67% des victimes enregistrées : Zinder (80 534 sinistrés), Maradi (28 847 sinistrés) et Agadez (31 222 sinistrés).

Poverty porn and the challenge of breaking stereotypes

“The Mission” is a new Italian reality show to be broadcasted on Christmas Time. “The Mission” will be the first reality show produced in collaboration with an NGO, Intersos, and with the UNHCR and featuring a group of VIPs during a tailored volunteering experience in the refugee camps of DRC, Sudan and Jordan. Although the show will be broadcasted only on next December, a long and passionate debate is taking place at several media levels since last September.

Mozambique: the ict’s revolution passes by sms

On 2002, Mozambique was one of the last countries to join the reform of telecom sector that Africa started on 1999. Although mobile networks represent the basis of Mozambique’s telecom infrastructures, the market penetration has remained relatively low. Aid agencies have been the most active pioneers in investigating the SMS-served opportunities to improve aid delivery.

Re-building a state, an iPod at a time

When Apple founder Steve Jobs stood in front of Stanford’s students, and in front of the whole world, highlighting the necessity of staying hungry and foolish to make big changes happen, he could never have imagined that a Danish NGO would use a massive quantity of his iPods and iPhones …

L’Albania secondo Slow Food

(Osservatorio Balcani) Anche l’Albania, lo scorso dicembre, ha celebrato il Terra Madre Day. Le sue comunità del cibo hanno colto l’occasione per rafforzare i rapporti con Slow Food. Un’intervista a Michele Rumiz, responsabile area Balcani per il movimento della chiocciolina rossa.

Sulle tracce dei pastori d’Albania

(Osservatorio Balcani) Il prossimo 10 dicembre verrà inaugurato il primo convivum Slow Food in Albania. Non solo grazie al sostegno della società civile italiana ma soprattutto a seguito della volontà cocciuta di un giovane cuoco albanese, che ha voluto puntare sui prodotti locali. Riceviamo e volentieri pubblichiamo