The platform supports information sharing and transparency and reinforces synergies between national and international monitoring, featuring policy practices drawn from the periodic reports organized by key geographic and thematic criteria. With such a tool, stakeholders have been able to better chart progress, identify effective policies and strategies, and improve existing policy instruments.
The platform supports information sharing and transparency and reinforces synergies between national and international monitoring, featuring policy practices drawn from the periodic reports organized by key geographic and thematic criteria. With such a tool, stakeholders have been able to better chart progress, identify effective policies and strategies, and improve existing policy instruments.
Through quadrennial periodic reports, Parties to the 2005 Convention systematically collect and share information and data on policies and measures promoting the diversity of cultural expressions.
Periodic reports offer a unique wealth of data and information on how public authorities and civil society organizations are working towards the achievement of the Convention’s goals around the world.
The purpose of this policy platform is to render this wealth of information transparent and accessible to the general public. A complete set of research categories and filters is available to allow for comparison and support informed policies.